EEOC Proposes Updated Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace

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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has published updated proposed guidance outlining the agency’s legal standards, and potential for employer liability for harassment, under federal antidiscrimination laws.  The guidance, framed through the lens of recent events, including the #metoo movement, gender and LGBTQ+ issues, remote work and digital media, is consistent with the EEOC’s enforcement priorities of preventing and remedying systemic harassment and protecting vulnerable workers.

The EEOC also provides guidance to assist employers in developing anti-harassment policies and procedures by describing the general features of effective anti-harassment policies, processes, training, and implementation.  While the guidance is not legally binding, it does provide insight into how the EEOC will treat workplace harassment claims going forward.
Review EANJ’s updated policy here.

Learn more about harassment training here.