Reducing Stress and Building Trust, Morale and Teamwork at Work

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Speaker:Tracy Kaplan & Clarice Holmes

Two, one-hour, on-line sessions

It's back to work for many workers. But other than those in a state of denial, most employers understand it is not a flip-of-a switch and recalling workers and re-integrate their workforce is a big challenge.  Join us for two (one-hour) webinar sessions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised both employers and employees that fear and anxiety about COVID-19 and other strong emotions can be overwhelming, and workplace stress can lead to burnout and related health conditions. More than one-third of Americans (36%) say COVID-19 has had a serious impact on their mental health and most (59%) feel COVID-19 is having a serious impact on their day-to-day lives.  Other issues are already surfacing, as many employees have delayed preventive medical treatment during the pandemic.  

However, case studies have shown that the challenge of resolving a crisis can provide some of the most important opportunities to deepen trust and commitment with employees in ways that not only ensure greater well-being for employees, but also position greater business success when the crisis is over.

At the May 7th Annual meeting of the Employers Association of New Jersey, employers were urged to “step up.” Before the crisis, many EANJ members reported suffering from the malaise of low morale and low worker engagement even as the bottom line was being negatively impacted.  But the HR problems that existed before the pandemic have not gone away. In fact, they have, in many ways, become more acute during the crisis.

Learn how to reduce workplace stress and build trust, morale and teamwork

Session 1 - Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 10am

Understanding and reducing stress and work-related disorders

  • The CDC Guidance on COVID-19 stress at work
  • Why should the boss care? How to speak about the bottom line
  • Understanding and combating stigma and fear
  • The use of screening tool
  • Achieving transparency and a supportive workplace culture
  • How to have a conversation with a distressed employee
  • Documenting and referring
  • The role of the Employee Assistance Program


Tracy Kaplan, LCSW, MBA, CEAP, SAP
Preferred Behavioral Health Group

Clarice Holmes, RN
Chief Clinical Officer
Concord Management Services

Session 2 - Thursday, July 23, 2020 - 10am

Developing and Maintaining Trust, Morale and Teamwork   

  • The role of the owner, HR and the supervisor
  • Communication, communication, communication
  • Strategies for instilling trust and care
  • Morale from the bottom up
  • Best practices for teams
  • Directing anxiety about external, social stress to positive, life-affirming ends


Christopher D'Marco
Change & Response Strategies, LLC

Registrations Fees:

$35 to attend one session (unlimited registrations per company)

$55 to attend both sessions (unlimited registrations per company)

IMPORTANT -  If you plan to attend both sessions, you must sign up for each individually.  You will be billed accordingly.

Register Now for Session 1 - July 21st

Register Now for Session 2 - July 23rd

Pre-Approved for 1 HRCI & SHRM-CP/SCP Recertification Credit
