Major developments in New Jersey have greatly expanded employer risk regarding wage-hour law compliance. It’s no coincidence that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), together with the NJ Wage and Hour and Wage Payment laws, account for the majority of labor law violations committed by employers. Three significant developments this year – the crackdown on the use of independent contractors; the increase in the salary level test for exempt employees; and the passage of the so-called “wage theft” bill - require even experienced HR professionals to be up-to-speed with a solid understanding of these complex rules and regulations.
Preparing for a Department of Labor Wage Hour Audit
- Understanding the audit process;
- The difference between federal and state audits;
- Identifying and preparing to address wage hour/wage issues and exposures;
- Determining the scope of the investigation;
- Gathering documents;
- Tips on working with the investigator;
- Employee interviews;
- Federal PAID program;
- Post audit procedures and appeals
John R. Vreeland
Genova Burns
Amy M. Vazquez
Pricing & Registration
$60 for EANJ Members & SHRM Partners
$95 for Non-members
Each session has been awarded one (1) HRCI Credit and (1) SHRM-CP/SCP