How to successfully manage wage and hour challenges with non-exempt employees

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Speaker:Amy Vazquez

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), together with the NJ Wage and Hour and Wage Payment laws, account for the majority of labor law violations committed by employers. This webinar is designed to familiarize you with how these laws apply to your employees and highlight common pitfalls to avoid.  Join us as we cover:

  • What constitutes “Working Time”; the importance of keeping accurate records
  • Obligation to pay overtime compensation for unauthorized work
  • “Docking” employees for lateness and “rounding off” on time cards
  • Travel time
  • Paid Time Off
  • Overtime and “Comp. Time”

Amy M. Vazquez

Amy Vazquez

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$65 per registrant for EANJ Members***

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$125 per registrant for Non-Members

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