The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and the NJ Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) both require employers to accommodate employees with disabilities. Ensuring compliance with the the interactive process is essential for accommodating employees with disabilities effectively and legally. Join us for this in-depth webinar, designed to guide employers and HR professionals through each step of the interactive process. We will cover practical approaches to handling accommodation requests, the documentation involved, and strategies for facilitating open, collaborative conversations with employees.
- When must we accommodate?
- What triggers the interactive process?
- Thinking outside "the box" - finding effective accommodations
- Leave as an accommodation
- Determining undue hardship
Andree Laney, Esq.
Registrations Fees:
EANJ Member Pricing
$65 per registrant for EANJ Members***
****EANJ members MUST use discount code EANJMEMBER on registration page to receive member pricing****
Non-EANJ Member Pricing
$125 per registrant for Non-Members
Payment due in advance. A copy of the recording will be made available to paid registrants upon request and will be accessible for a period of three months following the live air date. No refunds will be provided.

Pre-Approved for 1 HRCI & SHRM-CP/SCP Recertification Credit