Major developments in New Jersey have greatly expanded employer risk regarding wage-hour law compliance. It’s no coincidence that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), together with the NJ Wage and Hour and Wage Payment laws, account for the majority of labor law violations committed by employers. Three significant developments this year – the crackdown on the use of independent contractors; the increase in the salary level test for exempt employees; and the passage of the so-called “wage theft” bill - require even experienced HR professionals to be up-to-speed with a solid understanding of these complex rules and regulations.
Join EANJ and Genova Burns for this timely webinar focusing on what you need to know to stay compliant and avoid costly violations. Register for individual sessions and pay as you go, or take advantage of our discounted pricing when you register and pay in advance for all three sessions (see details below).
October 24, 2019: Employee or Independent Contractor (registration link below)
- Practical differences between employees and contractors;
- Different tests used by different government agencies for determining contractor status (Economic Realities, IRS Test, NJ’s “ABC” test);
- Misclassification liabilities and implications under new “Wage Theft” law;
- Auditing your workforce to assure proper classification;
- Best practices and practical tips when working with contractors.
James M. Burns
Genova Burns
John R. Vreeland
Genova Burns
Amy M. Vazquez
Registration for individual sessions will take place on a rolling basis. Pricing is as follows:
$60 for EANJ Members & SHRM Partners
$95 for Non-members
Register for Employee or Independent Contractor
Each session has been awarded one (1) HRCI Credit and (1) SHRM-CP/SCP
Discount Pricing
This session is part of a 3-session webinar series. Register for all three for the discounted price of $165. Payment due in advance. In order for the discounted pricing to apply, you must register by no later than October 20, 2019. If you miss a live session, a recording will be made available to you – no refunds will be given. HRCI and SHRM credits are available for live sessions only.
Click here to sign up for discounted pricing
An invoice will be sent out along with instructions for how to gain access to sessions.