Municipal Solutions

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Through a partnership with the Garden State Municipal Joint Insurance Fund (GSMJIF) and the Public Entity Join Insurance Fund (PEJIF), EANJ offers on-site training and programs to help municipal members manage employment law risks, including new for 2024, Public Officials Liability training.

Legal Compliance Training for the Workforce

EANJ training sessions, live and delivered on site or conducted online, exceed compliance standards by involving employees and supervisors in a truly interactive learning experience.

For employees:

  • Complying with EEOC Guidelines
  • Harassment at Work

For supervisors:

  • Complying with EEOC Guidelines
  • Harassment at Work
  • Privacy
  • Implementing the Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Managing Leave of Absence: FMLA, FLA, ADA, NJLAD
  • Sex and Gender Harassment
  • Implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Understanding the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Understanding the National Labor Relations Act
  • Understanding the NJ Whistleblower Law

EANJ will develop and deliver customized training to meet your needs consistent with compliance standards.  Spanish interpretation available.  For additional information, please contact Christine Myers at

Supervisory Training

Retention of good supervisors is critical to the success of any organization.  But like all valuable assets, supervisors must be developed so that they have the proper skills to lead others. Expert trainers are assigned and the training takes part in person.

General Supervision Topics:

  • Performance Reviews
  • Discipline and Coaching
  • Documentation
  • Diversity/Team Building
  • Communications
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Ethical Workplace

EANJ will develop and deliver customized training to meet your needs consistent with compliance standards. For additional information, please contact Christine Myers at

Public Officials Liability Training - New for 2024!

As both employers and employees, public officials occupy a unique space within local government.  With legal and ethical obligations to their municipal employers, their staff, and the public, public officials must also navigate intense scrutiny from official and self-appointed watchdogs.  EANJ's training modules are crafted to provide an interactive assessment of the legal risks and best practices through a review of applicable laws, regulations, agency guidance, case law and hypotheticals.

  • Anti-harassment training
  • Anti-discrimination training
  • Diversity & Sensitivity training
  • Ethics for Elected Officials
  • Free Speech and Public Officials 
  • Government Immunity for Public Officials 

Details and session descriptions here. 

For additional information, please contact Christine Myers at

Municipal HR: Managing to Avoid Risk - 3-session Premier Course

Various factors have converged to increase the frequency of lawsuits against New Jersey municipalities alleging discrimination, harassment and whistleblowing violations. Changes in the law have lowered barriers to litigation, as employees, with or without their unions, have become emboldened to take a chance and sue their employers for a monetary award. Some even use social media to champion their cause. And, of course, as public employees, municipal workers - from police officers to DPW workers – enjoy additional constitutional protections. All of this adds up to municipalities being targets for lawsuits by aggrieved and disgruntled employees.

Program Details