NJ Department of Labor Awards EANJ Expanded Grant for Outreach and Training

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The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (LWD) has once again selected Employers Association of New Jersey (EANJ) as a recipient of the Cultivating Access, Rights, and Equity (CARE) Grant Program for fiscal year 2024. EANJ is one of 24 organizations and collaboratives selected for this prestigious grant.

This year, the grant has been expanded to include training on crucial work rights, including overtime, minimum wage, misclassification, and wage payment/wage theft, in addition to paid family and medical leave benefits and earned sick leave.

The CARE Grant Program aims to increase New Jersey employers’ awareness of, and workers’ equitable access to, paid family and medical leave benefits (Temporary Disability Insurance and Family Leave Insurance), Earned Sick Leave, and related work rights. The expanded grant now also addresses compliance with key labor standards, ensuring comprehensive awareness and support for employers statewide.

EANJ will utilize the funding to provide outreach and education to employers statewide through May 2025.

“EANJ is honored to be selected again as a recipient of this grant,” says Christine Myers, the Association’s President. “Supporting employers through outreach and education is the very foundation of EANJ’s mission, and we look forward to expanding our efforts to include critical training on work rights alongside paid leave benefits and earned sick leave.”

As 2023/2024 CARE Grant recipients, EANJ created a robust campaign to raise broad awareness among NJ employers of NJ’s Paid Family Medical Leave Programs, encompassing Family Leave Insurance (FLI) and Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI), as well as NJ’s Earned Sick Leave law.  Employing a multifaceted approach, EANJ conducted engaging virtual and in-person educational training sessions, reaching 540 employers statewide.  Additionally, the Association has actively participated in direct person-to-person outreach, disseminating NJDOL-approved resources to close to 500 employers in attendance at various meeting and programs organized by business conveners.  The EANJ staff fielded close to 200 direct questions from employers on the specifics of various aspects of the law.

“The EANJ staff fulfills a crucial role in helping employers navigate these complex laws and understand how they apply to their specific business situations,” says Amy Vazquez, Vice President of EANJ. “We also provide employers with insights into how these programs integrate into the broader landscape of employment regulations.”

EANJ will be available to speak with and provide training for industry-specific trade associations, business chambers, small business groups and other associations, on earned sick leave, paid family and medical leave, and essential work rights.

“This expanded grant will allow EANJ to bring the collective expertise of our staff to a wider range of employers statewide,” says Myers.  “We look forward to continuing our collaboration with LWD on this important initiative.”
Those interested in having EANJ address their business group can reach out directly to Amy Vazquez (amy@eanj.org).

About EANJ: Employers Association of New Jersey is a non-profit trade association dedicated to helping employers make sound and responsible employment decisions through education, informed discussion, training, and access to benefits’ plans. With a 108-year history, EANJ continues to drive innovation and growth while fostering collaboration among its members. For more information, visit www.eanj.org.