EANJ Survey Shows Promise and Peril at Hybrid Workplaces

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Results from Employers Association of New Jersey’s June 2022 Hybrid Workplace Survey show that over 90 percent of employer respondents utilized a hybrid workplace during the last two years and over 60 percent (either wholly or in partially) continue to do so now.

Hybrid work is usually thought of as some combination of remote and on-site work. According to respondents, 62 percent retain a hybrid or partially hybrid workplace.  About 14 percent have transitioned from hybrid to fully in-person.

Hybrid work, of course does not apply equally to all job categories.   Therefore, it is not surprising that the survey shows that mostly administrative, managerial, finance, IT and sales jobs are amenable to working remotely.

Challenges abound, including maintaining interpersonal connections, communications and trust to get the job done.

By far, better workplace balance and improved morale are the biggest benefits to hybrid work.

However, it is unclear whether business owners and executives embrace hybrid work. Improved morale is difficult to measure.   And only about two in ten respondents say that hybrid work has improved productivity or efficiency.

The workplace flexibility that allowed this massive shift to remote work was already gaining traction in certain environments well before COVID-19, and now it is unlikely that the world will return to pre-pandemic norms. How organizations adapt to this disruption will have significant, lasting implications for organizational success, however that success is measured.

Register now for Handling a Hybrid Workplace, July 20, 2022, 10am-11am