EANJ Launches HR Apprenticeship Program

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The world of work is ever-changing, and the standards to which professionals and professional services are held are also evolving, according to John Sarno, president of the Employers Association of New Jersey (EANJ).

“In this environment, the Human Resources role is transforming within organizations. Among other things, the role includes strategic partnering, employee sponsor or advocate, and building capacity by synthesizing business knowledge and workforce development,” he says.

And given the pace of business, executives are increasingly demanding that HR professionals, like their colleagues in other functional areas, use metrics and in-depth analysis to both make good decisions and demonstrate the return on investment.

Sarno says that most small employers cannot afford a qualified person to handle human resources.

Instead, staff are assigned, often part-time, to perform basic payroll functions or to distribute notices to employees.   But the lack of technical HR knowledge leaves employers vulnerable to business and employment risks.

“Companies in all sectors of the economy are facing complex workforce challenges in increasingly competitive domestic and global markets” says Sarno

And knowing that apprenticeships are a proven solution for recruiting, training, and retaining the best talent,  Sarno, with a group of EANJ members, developed a program to deploy personnel skilled in all phases human resources, including HR Leader Support, Total Rewards, Talent Acquisition, Talent Development, Team Building, HR Communications, Employee Benefits, HR Data and Employee Development.

In May, 2018, the program became the first federally-registered HR Administration program in the country.

Applicants are full-time matriculated students at Caldwell University who are majoring in a four-year Bachelor of Science in a business major, with a minor in Human Resources Management, and who have completed 18 credits with a grade average of at least a B.

Participating employers act as mentors and customize the on-the-job learning experience to meet their business needs. Up to 2,000 hours of on-the-job learning is required, as apprentices, who are paid, rotate between employers and projects.

“Caldwell University is an extraordinary partner and the U.S. Department of Labor has given invaluable advice and expertise,” says Sarno.

The first cohort of apprentices met through the summer for orientation and training and have started their assignments at CRP Industries in Cranbury and Kings Supermarket in Parsippany.   

For more information click here.