Premier Course
Compensation plays an essential role in attracting and retaining employees. This program will provide HR Generalists with information and tools to better understand and apply the concepts of compensation within the overall HR function, particularly in the current competitive landscape.
Three Sessions
Virtual sessions are two hours each, from 10 am to 12 pm, and designed to engage participants through examples and relevant exercises. Participants are encouraged to attend all three sessions that will enable them to gain a broad perspective on compensation.
Session 1 - February 20, 2024
Establishing baseline for understanding compensation in the context of Human Resources functionality
- Basic objectives of compensation
- The compensation philosophy as a baseline
- Aligning compensation with mission, vision, and strategy
- Overview of legislation impacting compensation
Session 2 - February 27, 2024
Understanding the competitive landscape for compensation, and designing effective base pay programs.
- Current climate around compensation
- Job analysis and job documentation
- Conducting an external market study
- Salary structure design
- Base pay policies, procedures, and implementation
Session 3 - March 5, 2024
Introduction to more complex compensation concepts
- Applying the basic objectives of compensation to plan designs
- Forms of variable compensation
- Executive compensation – non-profit and for-profit
Diana D. Neelman is a Senior Director with EA Compensation Resources LLC. With over 30 years of collective compensation and human resources experience, Diana is responsible for business development and project management in all areas of compensation, consulting to a variety of industries on salary administration, performance management and incentive compensation, with a specific emphasis on executive and general compensation matters within not-for-profit organizations. Diana is also responsible for developing and conducting training programs covering various compensation topics, presenting to both clients and to the external marketplace. Furthermore, she oversees Compensation Resource's Survey Department, which publishes various compensation studies each year.
Event Sponsor
HRCI & SHRM CP Credits
Each participant will be eligible to receive 2 credits per weekly session.
Virtual Sessions
Virtual sessions via Zoom. Details on accessing the program will be sent out as we near the start date of the program.
The cost of this Premier Course is $350 per person for EANJ members. Non-members price is $700 per person. Payment due in advance.
Cancellation Policy - Cancellations must be received by 5:00pm ET on February 13, 2024 . Refunds will not be granted for any cancellations after this time.